Tesla Model Y Customer Refuses Delivery After Discovering Serious Quality Issues

  • Tesla is facing some criticism after a growing number of users are reportedly seeing quality issues with their Model Y crossover.
  • One such customer shared his experience on Reddit, mentioning that he refused the delivery because the car had a “dozen” paint issues and scratches.
  • It is believed that the recent coronavirus related shutdowns have contributed to the poor quality as employees are under enormous pressure to roll out more units from Tesla’s assembly line.

Reddit user crabasa has uncovered some deep flaws with some of the Tesla Model Y units being delivered to the customers right now. He shared this experience on Reddit and the sentiment was echoed by several others on the thread. The user reportedly went to collect his brand new Model Y from the Renton Service Center and realized that the vehicle had too many issues before the delivery.

This led to the delivery specialist telling the customer that there’s no guarantee that the issues could be fixed even if the delivery was accepted. Additionally, the user was also reminded that if the Model Y is returned under the company’s 7-day policy, the customer will not be able to purchase another Model Y for a year.

With this in mind, the customer simply refused to take the delivery and has reportedly asked for a new VIN with a request for the delivery to take place at tesla‘s Bellevue outlet. Unfortunately, the user also adds that there’s currently no ETA as to when he will be matched with an outlet.

Tesla Model Y

In terms of the issues that the Model Y had, the user claims that he noticed almost “a dozen” paint issues, blemishes, and scratches all over the place. Additionally, there was reportedly some condensation in one of the fog lights, and the rear taillights were said to be misaligned. This is certainly not the quality standard that customers have come to expect of Tesla, and we’re curious to learn how the company will respond to this.

The buyer lastly added that the delivery person hinted that these issues could likely be due to the prolonged shutdown which has led Tesla to ramp up production massively despite most of its staff currently being overworked.

Source: Reddit

Via: Auto Evolution